
the state of things


i listened to cody rhodes' entrance song that i discovered by chance on a walk today while writing this

so, the blog got vaporized once again due to some questionable yet funny design choices made by yours truly, and it feels great, honestly. like shed weight. razing things to the ground and starting anew seems to be my kind of thing. still, the old posts shall return once more in the near future. just sleep a little and check back soon. it's good to get some rest

these html files are being typed out by hand in vim using colo default and background=light on alacritty using xterm colors. these are truly the end times. i currently lack the mental requisites to fix my shit, i.e. my life and the ghetto site generator. looked into writing my own templating "engine" and even contemplated writing it in perl which should speak volumes about the levels of desperation at play here. page is hosted via cloudfront + s3 for now, both of which are great products. thanks, cloud overlords

thoughts on wasteland 2 coming soon. rss feed generation coming soon

god bless

I’m a negative of a person. All I want is blackness, blackness and silence - Sylvia Plath